Journey Through Grief - Scripture

I believe in a God who meets people in pain, not just joy. My God sits in grief and weeps with me. He watched His son be beaten, nailed, and die in a horrific manner so that I could be saved because of my sin. My God knows what it is like to experience the loss of a deeply loved perfect child.

I invite you to print out and cut apart these lovely truths. You can place them throughout your home and special places so they can be read over and over again. I tape mine to my cupboards, write them in the journal, and post them repeatedly to my social media so that I don’t forget that I am seen, I am loved, and I am not alone in this journey through grief. If you don't have a relationship with God or know him personally, I invite you to cry out to him today. Just say simple words like, “I am hurting God. I don’t know you yet but I would like to be loved and feel your comfort as a Heavenly Father. I don’t know what that looks like but I invite you into my life as my Savior. I need help. I come to you broken and lost as I have tried to do life on my own. I surrender to you. I am a sinner that needs a savior. Amen.”

After praying a simple prayer like this, these scriptures come to life. They speak to your heart in a new way. They heal. They provide hope. They are a love story to you.

In love,